

  1. Simple sentence 簡單句
  2. Compound sentence 複合句
  3. Complex sentence 複雜句
  4. Compound-complex sentence 複合複雜句

Simple sentence 簡單句




  1. I love you.
  2. How old are you?
  3. He speaks English fluently.

Compound sentence 複合句



分別是For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (口訣:Fanboys),對等連接詞之前需要加上逗號。

公式:S + V, 對等連接詞 S + V.


  1. Russia is the largest country in the world, yet it has relatively small population.
  2. My dream is to become a professional basketball player, so I practice every day.
  3. I am bad at math, nor do I good at History.
連接性副詞Conjunctive Adverbs

連接性副詞種類眾多,如however, otherwise, therefore等,常用的副詞可以參考這裡,句子構成為第一個獨立子句後接分號或句號,接著是連接性副詞後接逗號,最後再接第二個獨立子句。

公式:S + V; 連接性副詞, S + V.


  1. My japanese is improving; for example, I can watch Japanese animations without subtitles.
  2. It is very cold outside; still, people go out to see the snow.
  3. Many users are reporting screen quality issues on the new iPhone; still, the first batch of the iPhone has already sold out.


公式:S + V; S + V.


  1. I am going to Japan this weekend; I heard that it is one of the most beautiful country in the world.
  2. I want to study in the USA; I am working hard every day;

Complex sentence 複雜句

定義:一個獨立子句搭配一個或以上個附屬子句,附屬子句當中包含附屬連接詞(Subordinating Conjunctions)或關係代名詞(Relative Pronouns),用來連接主要子句與附屬子句,常見的附屬連接詞如because, since, although, when, after等,常見的關代如that, who which。附屬子句根據句子在句中扮演的角色分為三種:名詞子句、形容詞子句以及副詞子句。


(附屬子句在前,獨立子句在後)附屬連接詞 + S + V, S + V

(獨立子句在前,附屬子句在後)S + V 附屬連接詞 S + V


  1. Since we almost run out of gas, we have to find a gas station as soon as possible.
  2. The iPhone remains world’s best-selling phone although the price is high.

Compound-complex sentence 複合複雜句



  1. I really want to play the HTC Vive that is just released, but it’s out of my budget.

I really want to play the HTC Vive => 第一個獨立子句

that is just released => 附屬形容詞子句

but it’s out of my budget => 第二個獨立子句


  1. 定冠詞:the
  2. 不定冠詞:a, an
  可數名詞 不可數名詞
定冠詞(definite article): the the car, the cars the time
不定冠詞(Indefinite articles): a, an a car, cars; an apple, apples time
  1. 名詞是單數可數名詞時,用不定冠詞a, an
  2. 不管是單數還是複數名詞,只要名詞是特指時用the
  3. 不管是單數還是複數名詞,一般名詞(非特指)不用the
不定冠詞a, an
  • 用以表示可數名詞單一的概念:
    • I grew up on a dairy farm.
  • 用以區分、定義一些事物:
    • My brother is a professional basketball player.
  • 用以表示其中之一:
    • Do you have an eraser I could borrow?
  • 可以用a, an表達關於一個群組整體或絕大多數的觀念,他跟複數型態的名詞有同樣的效果,例如:A school should teach students how to learn (= Schools should teach students how to learn),在這邊A shcoolSchools都是表示學校整體的概念。
  • 部分抽象名詞可以是可數也可以是不可數名詞,作不可數時通常表示的是比較一般的狀態,不加a, an也無法用作複數型態,作可數時通常表達比較特定的情況,這時可用作複數型態或加上a, an,例如抽象名詞time在表達「時間」的時候為不可數,例:Time is money;在表達「一段時光」的時候為可數,例:Have a nice time
  • 特指某件事物:
    • The panda in the zoo is popular.
  • 代指之前提到的某件事:
    • A parade was held on New Year’s Day. The event attracted many tourists.
  • 與比較級/最高級(more, most)、排名或數量連用:
    • Football is the most popular sport in the world.
  • 用來表示整體的一部分或是一個團體的裡的一些人:
    • I really like this laptop. The backlit keyboard is awesome.
    • (身體部位)The ankle is the region where the foot and the leg meet.
  • 特指雙方(聽者、說者; 作者、讀者)都知道的某件事物:
    • A: Where’s my watch?
    • B: It’s on the table.
  • 代表一個整體,相對複數名詞表示整體此種用法更為正式:
    • The polar bear is threatened by climate change.
    • (相對沒那麼正式)Polar bears are threatened by climate change.
  • 特指獨一無二的事物,常用在自然界: The sun, the moon
  • 在某幾類名詞之前需要加上:
    • 海洋:The Pacific Ocean
    • 河:The River Thames 
    • 湖群:The Great Lakes
    • 群島:The Canary Islands 
    • 山脈:The Rocky Mountains
    • 沙漠:The Sahara 
    • 國家名稱中含複數:The United States
    • 用方向來表示的區域:The North
    • 建築物:The Empire State Building
    • 運動隊伍:The Golden State Warriors
    • 學校名稱中含of/for:The University of Washington


  • 指整個團體、分類:
    • We should spend more money on education.
    • Pandas are native to China.
  • 表達的事物是一般的狀態,而不是特指某個部分或成員
    • Love is everywhere. <=> Where is the love?
    • My favorite subject in school is mathematics. <=> The course is about the mathematics that is used in the computer science
  • 以下名詞前不需加上定冠詞:
    • 城市名:New York
    • 州名、省名:Guangzhou
    • 國家名(名字裡包含複數型態、united、union或republic of等例外,例:The United Kindom):Germany
    • 大陸名:Asia
    • 湖(單一):Lake Ontario(例外:The Great Salt lake)
    • 方向:I live east of the city.(這裡west表示的是相對於城市的方向)<=> She lives in the west.(這裡west表示的是位於西邊的區域)
    • 疾病:Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),但是有一些例外,例:the flu,另外注意如果是一個「症狀或受傷的情況」須加冠詞,例:a stomach ache
    • 人名、公司名:Apple、Google,但是當只是一個稱號沒有名字時需要加上定冠詞the,例:the president
    • 日期、月份、季節、節慶:January、Christmas、Friday,日期裡面包含of者例外:the first of January.
    • 章節、數字、高速公路:Chapter 11、Sun Yat-sen Freeway


  1. Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound Complex Sentences
  2. 合句 (Compound Sentences)
  3. 複句 (Complex Sentences)
  4. 複合句 (Compound-Complex Sentence)
  5. The Compound-Complex Sentence