主課程1 - 平行寫作(Parallelism)

平行寫作是指以連接詞(Conjunctions)或其他片語連結句子當中結構相同的部分,結構可以是單純的名詞、名詞片語,也可以是子句等。平行寫作當中使用的連接詞主要分為兩大類,一是第一課提到的對等連接詞當中的四個:and, but or, yet,二是成對的連接詞(下列)。使用平行寫作技巧合併句子時,除了要注意平行部分結構的一致性,也可以根據語意去選擇結構中要重複的部分,同時適當地將重複的部分用代名詞取代可以讓句子讀起來更簡潔有力。

  • 連接詞(Conjunctions)
    • and:My economics class is made up of Chinese, Spaniards and Japanese.
    • but:It is not a disadvantage but an asset.
    • or:Do you want coffee, tea or juice?
    • yet:Strong yet gentle
  • 成對連接詞(Paired Conjunctions)
    • both … and:Playing videos games is at the same time both interesting and exciting.
    • either … or:Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States.
    • neither … nor:They are neither concerned about politics or worried about public issues.
    • not only … but also:This movie not only reveals how the live looks like as a minority but also shows what can be done to deal with nagative stereotypes.
  • 其他用法
    • … the same as …:She looks the same as her mother, who is also a beautiful lady.

主課程2 - 限定修飾/非限定修飾 (Restrictive/Non-Restrictive)


限定與非限定是指形容詞子句在修飾先行詞時,是否對句子有必要性,限定形容詞子句又稱為essential clause,顧名思義他在句子中是必要的,無法省略,如果省略會造成語意不清,影響句子之理解,限定子句不需用逗點隔開;非限定子句又稱為nonessential clause,其在句子裡扮演的角色多為補充性質,即使拿掉也不會影響主要語意與文法,非限定子句在句子中需要用逗點隔開。

  可否省略 是否要用逗號分隔


  1. The professor who teaches my economics class won a Nobel Prize 5 years ago.
  2. Professor Yu, who teaches my economics class, won a Nobel Prize 5 years ago.

前句只說了「The professor」,如果把它省略成The professor won a Nobel Prize 5 years ago則無法判斷到底是哪個教授獲得了諾貝爾獎,所以需要加上who teaches my economics class這個形容詞子句限定這是「教授我經濟課程的老師」;第二句在一開始即已指明是「Professor Yu」,因此後面的形容詞子句只是補充用途,即使全部拿掉變成Professor Yu won a Nobel Prize 5 years ago也不影響主要語意。