

  1. 子句中的關代作為主詞代替句子當中的人事物
  2. 子句中的關代作為受詞代替句子當中的人事物
  3. 子句中的關代whose作為主詞或受詞的用法
  4. 子句中結合介系詞與受格關代,以關代作為介系詞受詞的用法


  1. 子句中使用(描述程度或數量的量詞、形容詞、副詞 + of + 受格關代)來當作主詞與受詞
  2. 子句中使用關係副詞when與where表達時間或地點

形容詞子句V:描述程度或數量的量詞、形容詞、副詞 + of + 受格關代

⚠ 此種用法只能用在非限定修飾

  • He gave two speeches in Japan, both of which attracted thousands of listeners.
  • The startup company’s employees, most of whom graduated from the best college in the country, is dedicated to their secret product.
  • Taipei has many well-known restaurants, the most famous of which is Din Tai Fung.


時間 (Time):使用when
  1. 1989 was the year when the Berlin Wall was torn down.
  2. 1989 was the year in which the Berlin Wall was torn down.
  3. 1989 was the year when the Berlin Wall was torn down in.
  4. 1989 was the year that the Berlin Wall was torn down in.
  5. 1989 was the year the Berlin Wall was torn down in.
地點 (Place):使用where
  1. Staples Center, where The NBA All-Star Game will take place, is the Lakers’ home court.
  2. Staples Center, at which The NBA All-Star Game will take place, is the Lakers’ home court.
  3. Staples Center, whcih The NBA All-Star Game will take place at, is the Lakers’ home court.